Friday, February 10, 2012

Assignment 4-Logic Model

Below is a link to my logic model for Study Hall.

Assignment 3-Program Evaluation-Study Hall

Engage Stakeholders

Who should beinvolved?
Theteachers, administrators, EAs and students at Allan Composite School will beinvolved in the assessment.

How might they beengaged?
Staff,administration, EAs, students and  willreflect on the program through survey questions, interviews, and observations.  Students will be also be involved throughsummative evaluation through previous term’s grades to current ones andinterviews.

Focus on the Evaluation

What are you going toevaluate?  Describe program (logic model)
The plan is to evaluate the:
-useof resources-time, teacher and EAs
-procedures-how program is being implemented
                    -are assignments being handed in
-marks-impactof Study Hall on grades

Allan Composite School serves 178students from kindergarten to grade 12. The school is part of the Prairie Spirit School Division.  The Prairie Spirit School division created adocument in 2009 that outlined the direction it was taking with regards toassessment.  It created a plan forimplementation.  Starting in 2009 teachershave been educated and in-serviced about the division’s approach to thedocument. 
My admin partner and I created a blockof time, twenty-five minutes during the school day, every day where studentswould have time to complete assignments, study, etc.  We call this time Study Hall.  Students from grades six through twelvereturn to their homeroom teachers during this time to work on assignments
Study Hall is a time built into theday for students to be more successful at school.  My admin partner reworked the schedule,taking five minutes from each period to create a twenty-five minute mandatoryStudy Hall period.  It has beenstrategically placed into the daily schedule to prevent students from not attending.  Attendance is taken during this time. 
This is a period created from takinginstructional time from all subject areas: it is there to be used just forthat-instructional time.  Teachers areexpected to help guide students if they are not working on the appropriatethings during this time.  Some of thethings students are expected to work on, assignments, study for assignments,write tests, quizzes, learn how to study, etc.

What is the purpose of this evaluation
This is a formative and summativeassessment with the purpose of identifying the effectiveness of the program andto identify any weaknesses and make any adjustments to meet the student’s needsand make the program more effective.

Who will the use the evaluation?
The designers of the program will usethis evaluation to improve the program. Teachers, EAs, and administrators will use it to reflect on the feedbackgathered and work on solutions for improvement.
Who will use the evaluation? How will they use it?
How will they use the information?
Information from the evaluation will be used to improve the program. 
Results and conclusions from the program evaluation will be shared with the teachers.  The purpose is to show staff what is and isn’t working in Study Hall.
Staff and administrators will be able to make changes to the program if necessary.
Results from the evaluation will be shared with parents and suggestions for improvement will be invited
School Community Council
Results from the evaluation will be shared with the SCC.  Feedback from them may result in adjustments to the program.

 What questions will the evaluation answer?

How does Study Hall impact students?
How does Study Hall impact Staff?
How do parents see the impact of study hall?
Are teachers guiding students during this time?
Are students’ marks improving?
Are assignments being handed in on time more often?
Are students finishing assignments?
Are resources being used to their potential?

What information do you need to answer the questions?
What I wish to know
Indicators – How will I know it?
Is the time allotted for Study Hall appropriate?
Students are more successful
Are student’s marks improving?
Data from previous year’
Are students using the time effectively?
Through observations
What changes are necessary to make the program more effective?
Implementation of new strategies are creating successes
 When is the evaluation needed?

Ideally the evaluation will be completed by May 1.  This will give the school enough time toimplement any adjustments before the end of the year.

What evaluation design will I use?

The evaluation will be formative innature.  Summative data from previousterms will be used to compare averages from previous terms when the program wasscheduled.  The program will be evaluatedand any modifications, tweaks or changes will be applied prior to the end ofthe year.  The evaluation will include acombination of the Provus-Discrepancy and Stake-Countenance models.

Collect the information

What sources of information will you use?
Existing information: Marks from 2009/2010 will be used as a partof a summative evaluation
People:Administration, teachers, Educational Assistants (EA), and students
Pictorial records and observations: Administrative observations, teacherobservations and EA observations.

What data collection method(s) will you use?

Survey                                    Documentreview
Interview                    Observation              
Unobtrusive measures  Term marks

Instrumentation: What is needed torecord the information?
Surveys (teachers, EAs,students, parents)
Interview (students,teachers, EAs)
Data collection sheet for:
-student focus
Journal (includes possiblereflective questions)
This could be utilized byboth students and teachers
Focus would be on the typeof strategy teachers are using to help students be successful
When will you collect data for each method you’ve chosen?

Before program
During program
Immediately after




Data (marks)



Will a sample be used?

Analyze and Interpret

How will the data be analyzed and what methodswill be used?

-Compiled and assessed for trends inparticular fields
-Compiled and assessed for trends inparticular fields
-Analyze marks from previous year
-Rubric assessed for commonalities
Group observations
-observe all grades during Study Hallperiod
-assess and analyze observation forcommonalities and differences
Read by evaluator look forcommonalities and memorable quotes-testimonials to program

How will the information be interpreted-bywhom?
Principal and evaluator will beresponsible for analyzing data.  Staffwill be brought into discussion and have time to engage in dialogue and allowfor their interpretations during report debrief.

What did you learn?  What are the limitations?
The evaluator is internal, so cautionneeds to exercised while interpreting the results.  As an administrator is creating the surveyquestions, participants will be responding to a colleague’s work.

Use the information

How will the evaluation be communicated andshared?
Commonalities will be shared with theparticipants along with the observational data.  The data will be shared in smallgroups to discuss and later brought to a big group discussion.

What are the next steps?
The large group will have anopportunity to reflect on the ideas brought to the group and then makerecommendations for any adjustments desired.

Manage the evaluation

Human subject’s protection
Surveys will be done anonymously aswill the journal entries by students.  Thiswill allow for participants to answer questions truthfully.  The student’s needs are what will beaddressed after looking at the results.

Management chart
The evaluator will manage the programevaluation with administrative partner prior to the staff meeting where thelarge group will be sharing the results and hearing about any ideas foradjustments.

The survey, observations, interviewsand journal entries will be distributed and take place during the months ofMarch and April.  All data will beanalyzed and summarized with recommendations to happen by April 20, 2012.

The evaluator will create all surveyswith the input from staff, distribute them and analyze the results, summarizefindings and coordinate alongside the principal discussions with staff andSCC.  Collaboratively, a list ofrecommendations will be compiled. Interviews with staff, students and parents will be conducted byevaluator who will be responsible for analyzing data and sharing it in the sameway as previously discussed.

All devices and materials required arelocated internally and therefore, no additional funding is necessary.


Evaluation of the program will be usedto make adjustments to the program to immediately affect how effective theprogram is.   

Due to the size of the school, thenumber of students and staff, evaluation will not be an onerous task. Theevaluator has the authority to use substitute teacher times to meet withteachers if need be.

As the school is small, the staff andstudents have a very close relationship. This relationship is well respected and the design of the evaluation issuch that will honour this atmosphere.  Thestaff has already been included in the preliminary planning of this program.

The use of marks from previous terms willbe measured against those that are current. Staff is experienced and knowledgeable as to the needs of the studentsat this school.